Architectural Concept:
The project is designed as a tribute to the multi-layered cultural heritage of Antakya City, getting its inspiration from its distinguished geographical features and unique architectural and historical background. 
Our proposal is aimed to gain a modern building complex with dynamic open spaces which unite the state and the civic, public building and public space, local and global values, the historical and the contemporary. Basic design attitudes:
-A disposition and an enhancement attitude towards the historical city’s structural values with the segmented mass of boxes and the traditional stone wall attached together ​​​
-Sustainable solutions with voids in the building, green office rooms, stone wall and the roof system for coping with the very hot climate
*Atelier 4=Canay Batirbek/ Itez, Esin Komez, Berna Malkamak Kayacetin, Cihan Kayacetin

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