Architectural Statement:
The city of Klaksvik in Faroe Islands has unique topographical, geographical and climatic features all of which highlight it with a striking natural character. However, its city center remains undeveloped.   
This design proposal aims to unite people and nature by considering the center of the Klaksvik as the space where water and land, nature and man-made,rural and urban, hardscape and softscape, public (commercial, administrative,cultural, etc.) and private (housing), public and public space encounters. This space of encounters is aimed to be designed as an interesting and attractive place for living, working and leisure where design concepts and principles are developed by considering the local identity of the city and preserving its heritage   Directional harmony,connectivity, and continuity define the experiences of the space and flowing in either direction from the apex of Klaksvik’s Hills is turned into a narrative. 
Atelier 4*: Canay Batirbek(Itez), Esin Komez, Berna Malkamak Kayacetin, Cihan Kayacetin

site plan

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